WHS Management Systems

What is a WHS risk management plan?

A WHS risk management plan is a fully customised plan developed for your business and helps to evaluate workplace hazards, as well as a plan to minimise those risks.

Laws are different in every state, so it’s important your business follows the relevant WHS act and regulation so your business is compliant.

How can BusinessBasics help with a WHS risk management plan

Don’t have the time or staff to effectively manage your WHS Risk Management Plan? We can help!

BusinessBasics can take the pressure off any business with compliance issues – whether you need a consultant to assist with your safety management systems and plans, or a regular visit to assist with safety management, training and audits.

You need to ensure your business is a safe place for all employees, and part of this responsibility is to ensure the work environment is safe for everyone.

Who is responsible for ensuring WHS is being followed in the workplace?

There are various personnel who are responsible for different parts of the safety of the workplace. Safework Australia outlines the following individuals and the responsibilities they have:

The PCBU (person conducting a business or undertaking)

must ensure the health and safety of its workers and that other persons are not put at risk from its work, so far as is reasonably practicable


have a duty to exercise due diligence to ensure that the PCBU complies with its duties

Other persons at the workplace

have a duty to take reasonable care for their own safety and ensure their actions do not adversely affect the health and safety of others. They must comply with reasonable instructions relating to safety, so far as they are reasonably able.


have a duty to take reasonable care for their own safety and ensure their actions do not adversely affect the health and safety of others. They must comply with reasonable instructions and cooperate with reasonable policies and procedures relating to health and safety, so far as they are reasonably able

Why do I need a Work Health and Safety Risk Management Plan?

Work health and safety affects everyone – every year people are dying due to unsafe work practices, and it’s simply not good enough.

The infograph above shows how significant unsafe work practices are in our country. Workplace Health and Safety is something every workplace should invest in. If not to prevent costly compensation claims, than to prevent and minimise the chances of your employees having to attend a funeral for their co-worker due to a preventable death.

The cost of work-related injury and disease to the Australian economy is $61.8 billion dollars a year. This is a significant amount, especially when taking into account employers were responsible for 5% of that total cost.

Employing safe work practices benefits your organisation, from those working on the ground up to the CEO. Your employees will have peace of mind knowing everything they are doing is based on best practice safety standards.

Why should I implement an environmental risk management plan in my business

How can BusinessBasics help with a WHS risk management plan?

The team at BusinessBasics can assist you with the development and implementation of a risk management plan, as well as offer training to your team so they have a thorough understanding of the plan. Get in touch today for more information.

BusinessBasics ensures businesses in Sydney, Brisbane and throughout Australia are compliant with WHS laws.

Contact us today for more information about WHS Management Systems.

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