Management systems are vital to businesses that want to stay competitive and successful, but one element of these systems that’s often neglected is the ability to conduct internal audits. Internal audit training could be the secret to unlocking the full benefits of your internal management systems.
The ISO 19011 standard for internal auditing provides a framework for businesses wanting to perform management systems auditing that delivers valuable information and actionable steps. This standard outlines the best practices for auditing internal processes, policies, and procedures.
In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of ISO 19011 training for your business and how it can help you succeed.
Why conduct internal audits?
Conducting internal audits is part and parcel of maintaining compliance and ensuring ongoing improvement, but what are the benefits of conducting audits internally?
No one knows your business better than your employees
Conducting internal audits gives your team the opportunity to familiarise themselves with your current performance and identify areas for improvement. They’re the people using your policies, procedures and systems every day, so it stands to reason they’re the ones who will benefit most from reviewing them, and who’ll be best placed to make judgement calls based on their findings.
Easier certifications and external audits
ISO 19011 training can help you to identify gaps in your internal processes, policies, and procedures. It will help you identify the strengths and weaknesses of your organisation’s internal operations and align them with any standards or certifications you’re adhering to. When it comes time for external auditing, you’ll be more likely to pass as your team has already performed a professional audit.
Get more from your management systems
Internal auditing skills can be universally applied to quality management systems, environmental management systems, WHS management systems and more. Management system audits can help keep your organisation compliance with ISO standards and ensure better business performance.
Benefits of ISO 19011 Training
There are many proven benefits of investing in internal audit training for your team. ISO 19011 training can help you identify and achieve audit program objectives and provide a framework for auditing management systems and other internal processes.
Improved auditing skills
ISO 19011 training equips auditors with the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct effective and efficient audits. It provides guidance on planning, conducting audits, collecting evidence, and reporting audit findings, enabling auditors to perform their roles competently.
Enhanced audit consistency
ISO 19011 training promotes a standardised approach to auditing across different management systems. This ensures consistency in the audit process, evaluation of conformity, and reporting of audit results, irrespective of the audited standard or the auditors involved.
Increased credibility and trust
Training in ISO 19011 enhances the credibility of auditors and their audits. It demonstrates a commitment to following internationally recognised auditing principles and practices, which helps build trust with stakeholders, including customers, regulators, and business partners.
Alignment with international standards
ISO 19011 training ensures that auditors are familiar with the principles and requirements of ISO management system standards. This alignment allows auditors to effectively assess the implementation and compliance of these standards within organisations, contributing to the overall effectiveness of management systems.
Better identification of non-conformities
Through ISO 19011 training, auditors learn how to identify non-conformities and areas for improvement during audits. This helps organisations address deficiencies, correct deviations from requirements, and enhance their processes, improving overall performance.
Enhanced risk-based approach
ISO 19011 emphasises a risk-based approach to auditing, which involves assessing risks, considering their potential impact on objectives, and focusing audit efforts accordingly. Training in ISO 19011 enables auditors to understand and apply this approach, leading to more effective and targeted audits.
Facilitates continual improvement
ISO 19011 training promotes a focus on continual improvement within auditing processes. Auditors learn how to provide valuable feedback and recommendations to organisations, helping them identify opportunities for improvement, optimise processes, and enhance their performance over time.
Increased audit efficiency
Training in ISO 19011 equips auditors with techniques and tools for conducting efficient audits. They learn how to plan audits effectively, prioritise audit activities, gather relevant evidence, and communicate audit findings in a clear and concise manner. This leads to streamlined audit processes and optimised use of resources.
Compliance with regulatory requirements
ISO 19011 training helps auditors understand the expectations of regulatory bodies regarding auditing practices. By aligning their audits with these expectations, auditors can assist organisations in achieving and maintaining compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards.
Professional development and career advancement
ISO 19011 training enhances the professional capabilities of auditors, enabling them to expand their skills and knowledge in auditing practices. This can open up opportunities for career advancement within the field of auditing and quality management.
Final thoughts
Implementing ISO 19011 training can give your organisation a competitive edge, by helping to improve internal processes, ensure compliance, increase customer satisfaction, promote continuous improvement, and differentiate your business from the competition. Investing in ISO 19011 training can create an organisational culture that prioritises innovation, efficiency, effectiveness, and customer satisfaction.