Managing the needs and expectations of interested parties: ISO 45001

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Managing the needs and expectations of interested parties: ISO 45001

ISO 45001 is the international standard for OH&S management. As part of its mission to ensure continuous improvement in OH&S management, the standard recognises the importance of understanding and managing the needs and expectations of interested parties – both in establishing and achieving OH&S objectives. We’ll look at who those interested parties are, how to identify them and the steps you can take to manage their expectations and meet their needs within the scope of the ISO 45001 standard.

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What is an interested party in ISO 45001?

In ISO 45001, an interested party refers to individuals or organisations that can affect, be affected by, or perceive themselves to be affected by an organisation’s occupational health and safety (OH&S) performance.

Interested parties can include:

  • Workers: Employees, contractors, temporary workers, and other personnel directly involved in the organisation’s activities.
  • Management: Top management, executives, supervisors and managers responsible for overseeing the OH&S management system.
  • Customers and clients: Those who receive products or services from the organisation.
  • Suppliers and contractors: External parties, businesses and vendors providing goods, materials, or services to the organisation.
  • Regulatory authorities: Government agencies and regulatory bodies responsible for enforcing OH&S laws and regulations.
  • Trade unions and employee representatives: Organisations or individuals representing workers’ interests and rights.
  • Local communities: Residents, local community organisations and groups located near the organisation’s operations.
  • Shareholders and investors: Individuals or entities that have invested in the organisation.
  • Insurance companies: Insurers providing coverage for occupational health and safety risks.
  • Non-government organisations (NGOs): External organisations focused on worker safety, human rights or environmental concerns.

ISO 45001-compliant organisations must identify and engage with relevant interested parties to understand their specific needs and expectations related to occupational health and safety. This can enhance their OH&S performance and ensure a safer and healthier work environment for their workforce and all relevant stakeholders.

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Why is it important to identify interested party needs?

Identifying interested party needs is the first step in setting your organisation’s safety objectives. There are a number of important benefits to engaging in thorough research and establishing the relevant needs of your stakeholders.

  • Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements: Many interested parties, such as regulatory authorities, have specific legal and regulatory requirements that organisations must comply with. By identifying these needs, organisations can ensure they are aware of and meet the necessary legal obligations, avoiding potential legal issues and penalties.
  • Enhanced stakeholder engagement: Identifying and understanding the needs of interested parties allows organisations to actively and genuinely engage with stakeholders. By addressing their concerns and expectations, organisations can build stronger relationships with stakeholders, fostering trust, and improving collaboration, leading to increased stakeholder satisfaction.
  • Effective risk management: Interested parties often have insights and perspectives that can help identify potential internal and external issues, risks and hazards related to occupational health and safety. By understanding their needs, organisations can better assess and manage these risks, leading to improved safety performance and prevention of accidents or incidents.
  • Improved decision-making: With a clear understanding of your interested parties’ needs you can make easier, more-informed decisions regarding your occupational health and safety management system. This includes setting appropriate objectives, implementing effective controls, and allocating resources where they are most needed. Understanding the needs of interested parties ensures that decisions are aligned with stakeholder expectations and contribute to overall organisational success.
  • Continual improvement: By identifying the needs of interested parties, organisations gain insights into areas for improvement. By gaining insights for a diverse range of stakeholders’ feedback, you can gain crucial information on potential gaps or areas where the organisation can enhance its OH&S performance which may otherwise have been missed. This information can be used to drive continual improvement initiatives, leading to a safer work environment, increased efficiency, and better overall outcomes.
  • Reputation and brand image: Meeting the needs of interested parties, such as customers, employees, and the community, is crucial for maintaining a positive reputation and brand image. When organisations actively address stakeholder needs and expectations, they’re perceived as responsible, trustworthy, and committed to ensuring the health and safety of their workers and the surrounding community.

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How to identify relevant interested parties for your organisation

Identifying interested parties for your business involves a systematic process of identifying individuals, groups, and organisations that can affect or be affected by your business operations and its occupational health and safety (OH&S) performance.

Here are the steps to help you identify interested parties for your business:

  • Brainstorm internally: Start by gathering a team of key stakeholders from various departments within your organisation and conduct brainstorming sessions to identify potential interested parties. Consider all internal and external stakeholders who may have a vested interest in your business’s OH&S performance, including workers, management, customers, suppliers, contractors, regulatory authorities, local communities, trade unions, shareholders, and industry associations.
  • Map the stakeholder landscape: Once you have a list of potential interested parties, create a stakeholder map or matrix. This visual representation will help you understand the relationships between your business and each stakeholder group, as well as their level of influence and impact on your OH&S performance. Categorise the stakeholders based on their power, interest, or involvement in your business.
  • Research and analysis: Conduct research to gather more information about each stakeholder group. Identify their specific needs, expectations, concerns, and interests related to your business’s OH&S performance. Look for relevant industry standards, regulations, and guidelines that may apply to these stakeholders. This research can include reviewing industry publications, conducting surveys or interviews, and analysing feedback from customer complaints or worker surveys.
  • Review existing relationships: Consider your existing relationships with stakeholders and assess their level of engagement and collaboration. Identify areas where your business can improve communication, collaboration, and cooperation with these stakeholders to address their needs and expectations better.
  • Prioritise and finalise the list: Based on the information gathered through research, analysis, and consultation, prioritise the stakeholders based on their level of influence, impact, and importance to your business’s OH&S performance. Finalise the list of interested parties, ensuring it encompasses the most significant stakeholders relevant to your organisation.

Remember, determining interested parties is an ongoing process, and it should be periodically reviewed and updated as your business evolves and new stakeholders emerge. Continuous improvement is a tenet of the ISO 45001 standard, and by continuously identifying and understanding your interested parties, you can ensure optimal management system performance and maintain positive OH&S outcomes.

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Managing the needs and expectations of interested parties

Once you’ve identified the relevant interested parties and analysed their influence, interests and expectations, you need to manage those stakeholders. Understanding and managing the needs and expectations of interested parties is a critical step in ISO 45001 for effective occupational health and safety (OH&S) management. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Establish effective communication channels: Develop and implement communication channels to engage with the identified interested parties. This can include regular meetings, surveys, feedback mechanisms, suggestion boxes, newsletters, or dedicated contact points. The goal is to facilitate two-way communication and ensure that interested parties can express their needs and expectations.
  • Engage in consultation: Actively engage with the identified stakeholders to validate and further understand their needs and expectations. This can involve organising meetings, workshops, or focus groups with representatives from each stakeholder group. Encourage open dialogue and feedback to gain insights into their perspectives and concerns.
  • Conduct needs and expectations assessment: Engage directly with the interested parties to gather information about their specific needs and expectations related to OH&S. This can involve interviews, surveys, focus groups, or workshops. It’s important to gather qualitative and quantitative data to comprehensively understand their requirements.
  • Analyse industry trends and best practices: Stay informed about industry trends, regulations, and best practices related to OH&S. This will help you identify common needs and expectations shared by interested parties in your sector. Industry associations, government agencies, and professional networks can be valuable sources of information in this regard.
  • Identify and manage legal and regulatory requirements: The standard requires organisations to determine and have access to the legal requirements and other compliance obligations applicable to their OH&S hazards and risks. This includes identifying the specific regulatory requirements imposed by relevant interested parties, such as regulatory authorities or industry associations.
  • Regularly review and update requirements: Keep your finger on the pulse of your interested parties’ needs and expectations by conducting regular reviews and updates. This ensures that you stay aligned with any changes in their requirements and can proactively address emerging concerns. This can be done as part of regular safety management review meetings or as part of your internal audit programme.
  • Monitor and measure your compliance with interested party expectations: Your stakeholders’ expectations will inform your OH&S management system scope. Create tangible KPIs around meeting those expectations so you can monitor and measure your compliance with expectations in a quantifiable way.

By following these steps, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the needs and expectations of workers, management and other interested parties regarding your company’s occupational health and safety. This information forms the basis for developing and implementing effective OH&S management strategies that meet diverse stakeholder requirements.

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Incorporating interested parties in the context of ISO 45001

Identifying and managing stakeholder needs can’t just be surface-level; your findings need to be incorporated into your management system policies, procedures and processes and inform your performance metrics.

  • Management system policies and procedures: ISO 45001 expects organisations to integrate the identified needs and expectations of interested parties into their safety management system. This involves aligning the management system’s processes, objectives, and key performance indicators with the requirements of interested parties. From establishing your management system scope to deciding on specific outcomes your interested parties will inform crucial decisions in your safety management system.
  • Targets, KPIs and objectives: The needs of interested parties will inform your management system’s key performance indicators, objectives. Performance data generated by your safety management system will help determine whether you’re meeting the expectations of interested parties.
  • Continuous improvement: ISO 45001 emphasises the need for organisations to continually improve their OH&S performance. This includes taking into account the feedback received from interested parties, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing corrective actions to address any gaps between the organisation’s performance and the expectations of interested parties


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