How cloud based management can future-proof your business

signpost at sunrise

How cloud based management can future-proof your business

How many of us wish we’d had a crystal ball at the end of 2019? Who could have predicted the rapid changes and restrictions that would take over our lives virtually overnight? Although we can never know what the future holds we can learn from the past and prepare for the future. 

One of the simplest ways to future-proof your business is to use a cloud based management system. Not only are cloud based management systems cost-effective, but they’re also inbuilt with a range of features and capabilities that make them scalable, safe and ideal for remote working environments. Find out more about future-proofing your business with a cloud based management system. 

What is a cloud based management system?

A cloud based management system is an integrated online business management system hosted by the cloud. In place of traditional software, a cloud based management system is entirely run via the cloud, making it remotely accessible and scalable. 

Cloud based management systems bring together management systems from across different branches and offices, and across different management systems, from quality management to health and safety and environmental management and combine them into one cohesive unit. 

This short video from Mango gives a great visualisation of how a cloud based management system works.

Cloud based management systems only need an internet connection to operate, with no need to install and maintain cumbersome servers or constantly update software, making them a cost-effective option for small businesses without in-house IT professionals.  

How can a cloud based management system future proof my business?

If 2020 taught us anything it’s that the future is unpredictable. The sudden changes brought about by COVID-19 saw many businesses scrambling to adjust to new working conditions. Between workers suddenly working remotely, social distancing regulations and COVID-safe restrictions businesses found their current operating models had become untenable almost overnight.

signpost at sunrise

Source: Unsplash

For some, adapting was easy. For others, 2020 caused too much strain and sadly many businesses couldn’t survive the sudden changes. Although we hope nothing so drastic will happen again in our lifetime, it’s important for businesses to stay agile and innovative to keep up with whatever the future may bring. With remote working becoming ever more normal and our interconnectivity stronger than ever, we all need to stay ahead of the curve.

One of the easiest ways to future-proof your business is through a cloud based management system. Below we’ll discuss just a few of the ways that a cloud based management system can help your business adapt and grow in the future with confidence.

1. Scalability

Every aspect of your business needs to be able to grow with you. When your workforce grows you move to new premises and open new branches. When your inventory expands you invest in larger warehouse spaces. But what about your management systems? As your business expands your management systems need to keep pace, too. 

Cloud based mangaemtnt systems are 100% scalable, meaning they can grow at the same pace as your business, expanding to fit your new operations without the need for any outlay for extra software or equipment. 

2. Enhanced remote working capabilities

Ten years ago remote working was still a relative unknown, but now it’s not only commonplace but potentially the way most of us will be working in the future. A 2020 Growmotely survey of professionals and entrepreneurs asked employees if they wanted to return to the office full-time post-COVID. A staggering 97% of respondents said they would prefer to work remotely some of the time and 61% said they’d prefer to work remotely full time. 

“74% of professionals expect remote work to become standard”
Growmotely Survey, 2020

As remote working becomes the norm, our processes and management systems need to keep pace. Thanks to cloud based management systems remote workers can have the same access to management systems as those working in an office environment and features like free mobile apps make communication and collaboration easily accessible. 

3. Reduced security risks

As technology advances so do hackers and one of the most common concerns about cloud based management systems is their security. Fortunately, high-quality cloud based management systems are just as safe as desktop-based systems thanks to multi-level security measures including:

  • Physical server security thanks to storage in guarded, secure warehouses with restricted authorised personnel-only access


  • Data encryption to protect your company’s data from hackers 


  • Ongoing security updates including firewalls from the cloud servers to ensure all the best, most up-to-date security measures are in place


  • Data redundancy from cloud service providers ensuring all data stored in a cloud based management system is protected from loss events like unexpected outages


  • Security testing from external security companies is used to verify the efficacy of cloud security, so your information’s security is constantly tested and updated


Thanks to ongoing updates and constant testing the security of your cloud based management system is protected from security threats now and into the future. 

Read more about cloud management system security

4. Ongoing upgrades

As cloud based management systems are often run on a subscription basis, they’re continually upgraded to the latest version with little or no disruption to you as the user — this is the very definition of future-proofing your business. Your management system will automatically update and improve to keep up with changes and new technologies. 

Ready to future proof your business? Check out the Mango HSEQ cloud based management system